Category: Real Estate

Designing Urban Sports Playgrounds

Urban sports playgrounds are major centers of social and economic importance across the world. Cities have long provided many ways for the community to enjoy physical activity, games, and sports. In fact, they have made determined efforts, over the past decade, for constructing major sport facilities and playgrounds in concentrated areas in order to create […]

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Key Elements of the Urban Design Practice

Following the international webinar – Unfold the Process of People Centric Design- that took place on the 28th of June 2020, organized by “Make Spaces”, moderated by Ebehi Ijewere, with panelists representing 100 architects, Incursiones, Noëlla Aoun Design Studio, Contorno Urbano, and Aakanksha Khatri, we, at Noëlla Aoun design Studio collected the questions we received […]

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The Future of Retail in The Digital Transformation Era

With digital transformation accelerating around the world and affecting all aspects of our lives, the retail industry is experiencing a particularly large increase in online consumerism, especially in recent days, with the world being in the chokehold of Covid-19. The retail industry is now being dramatically transformed by technologies like the Internet of Things and […]

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Measuring the Success of Cities

Today, more than half of the world’s population lives in cities. Successful cities generate wealth, improve living standards, and provide the density, interaction, and networks that make humans more creative and productive. A city’s most important role is to provide a good quality of life for its residents through placemaking, and to promote their happiness […]

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Investing in Open Space; Creating Livable Cities

Open space refers to a social place that is left open and accessible for the public. It can be of different nature and scale and include: parks, playgrounds, squares and gardens, used for walking, hiking, running, and other sports and recreational activities. Open spaces are important assets for cities as they provide many opportunities for […]

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Repurposing Existing Structures: Turning Burdens into Assets

Repurposing existing structures, also called “adaptive reuse”, is the process of taking an existing deteriorated building, transforming it, and reusing it for a purpose other than what it was first intended for. And although adaptive reuse provides various economic, social and environmental advantages, there are some factors that can influence decision-making related to its implementation, and other factors […]

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Worldwide Housing Crisis

Worldwide Housing Crisis The housing crisis of the 21st century is a phenomenon felt fundamentally and worldwide in both wealthy developed countries, and the developing world, where over 850 million people worldwide live in informal settlement and substandard quality houses, many lacking essentials such as electricity, sanitation, sewage systems, or running water. The problem with [...]
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